Talbalba Herefords in partnership with Days Whiteface, SA, purchased the top priced bull, $32,000, at the recent Injemira Bull Sale, where 76/77 bulls sold to average $8217.

Injemira Anzac J188, Paul Dooley, Marc Greening and Steve Reid.
Lot 3 Injemira Anzac J188 Polled son of Allendale Anzac E114 weighed 820kg at 18 months and is in the top 1% of Breeplan for Intramuscular fat % and Grain Fed Index. J188 is an outstanding modern beef sire with moderate frame, extreme carcase and perfect structure backed up by an excellent pedigree and breed leading Breedplan figures. Anzac sons proved extremely popular with 18 sons averaging $12,000.
J188 was of particular interest to us as he is Homozygous Polled meaning all of his progeny (even over horned cows) will be polled, a trend the marketplace is increasingly demanding. 30% of calves this year at Talbalba are polled increasing to potentially 50% of next years drop. We find we can produce superior polled cattle out of our own strong cow base rather than using introduced polled cows.
Our aim is to continue to breed top quality horned bulls for our existing clients and to expand the polled section of our herd to 50% to cater for those preferring polled cattle. By using good Homozygous Polled sires this can easily be achieved in 2 generations. The new gene test for Homozygous Poll is % 99.8 accurate hence taking out any guess work of the past.
Anzac is the third Homozygous polled sire we have used. Last year we purchased a semen share in the $45,000 Injemira Anzac H006 sire (sold to Jarrah Cattle co ). We look forward to seeing his calves drop. In 2014 we travelled to Holbrook, NSW again to purchase Kanimbla Victorious H048. Victorious was the heaviest bull of the sale weighing 1058kg at 25 months. He is correct and thick with a strong spine and excellent pigment. He is also backed up by terrific figures, top 5% IMF, Grain fed Index in top 1% and other indices in top 10% or better.
Our aim at Talbalba is to produce progressive HEREFORD cattle that perform with natural polls being a bonus.