42 bulls averaged $7,607. Top $30,000.
Lot 5 Talbalba Wagon sold for $30,000 to Lotus and Tummel Studs in partnership. Wagon is a heavily muscled son of Bundarra Wally who weighed 986kg at 24 mths with an EMA of 127cm2, a scrotal measurement of 42cm and framed an 8. Second top price of $14,000 was for Talbalba Warrior by Courallie Advance Z149 who sold to Lambert Stud.
Two Grandsons of Wally made $13,000 each when Wagon-wheel sold to Kinbombi Station and Wager sold to Stuarts Creek. Two more Wally sons sold for $12,000 with Wingman finding a new home at Fullerton Station and Wallop going to Amosvale Stud. Waver made $11,000 to Kinbombi, Woodchuck $10,500 to Avonview and Wombat $10,000 to Injemira. Kinbombi Station purchased 4 to average $9,500, M Ferling 2 to average $9,250 and Buckinbah Stud 8 at $6,000.
Talbalba Wagon Sold to Chris Lisle, Tummell Herefords, and Tony Hollis, Lotus Herefords, for top price of $30,000.

Talbalba Wingman Senior Champion Bull Brisbane Royal Show 2009. Sold to Raddan Reynolds, Fullerton Station for $12,000.

Talbalba Warrior, Sold to the Bredhauer family, Lambert Hereford stud for $14,000

Talbalba Wagon Wheel, Sold to the Cotter family, Kinbombi station for $13,000

Talbalba Wallop, Sold to Mark Campion, Amosvale Herefords, for $12,000

Talbalba Waver, Sold to the Cotter family, Kinbombi Station, for $11,000

Talbalba Valuable, Sold to Mark Greening, Injemira Herefords, for $10,000